eCoupons are digital, load-to-card coupons designed to allow you to redeem digital coupons simply by adding (clipping) them directly to your Weis Rewards Card. You can redeem eCoupons in store by making the purchase requirement and swiping your Weis Rewards Card at the register. The discount will automatically be deducted from your bill if the purchase requirement has been met.
Got Questions? We've got answers!
Verify you are logged in to your MyWeis account. Browse and clip the eCoupons via the website or mobile app. All clipped eCoupons are automatically linked to your Weis Rewards Card. Scan your Weis Rewards Card at check out to receive the eCoupon discount on all qualifying purchases.
No, clipped eCoupons are available for use the moment you clip them until their stated expiration date. Expired eCoupons will be removed from your account automatically.
Yes, you can re-clip and redeem offers more than once unless stated otherwise in the eCoupon.
No, you cannot use printed manufacturers' coupons and an eCoupon for the same item.
Yes, you can print your eCoupon List from the eCoupon Tab. Select “My Clipped eCoupons” and then select “Print Coupon List”.
Look for the tag in store so you know you have the correct item! If shopping online or on our mobile app, qualifying items will show a scissor icon indicating that there is an eCoupon available for that item.
At the end of the transaction all discounts will be applied. eCoupon discounts will show as “EM DC –(value)” which stands for Electronic Marketing Digital Coupon
Why did I not receive my eCoupon discount?
Check that you have purchased a qualifying item within the size and specifications of the eCoupon. If it looks correct, please reach out to our customer service team to assist.
What do I do if I did not receive my discount?
You can contact customer service at 1-866-999-9347 or visit in store and an associate will assist.
Am I able to clip eCoupons in the store?
Yes, you can utilize the wifi in the store by selecting Weis Markets Guest to actively clip the eCoupons.
I got a new clubcard, will my account still register with the eCoupons?
Yes, as long as it is linked to your previous cards.